Bea Johnson (IG: @zerowastehome) is the bestselling author of Zero Waste Home. Her and her family produce a mere pint of trash per year since 2008.
Dubbed “The Mother of the Zero Waste lifestyle movement” by CNN, Bea has been featured on TV shows and in publications all over the world.
She shatters misconceptions, proving that zero waste can not only be stylish, but also lead to significant health benefits and time & money savings.
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In this episode, we discuss:
- Bea moving from France to California to learn English
- Traveling around the world with her husband Scott
- Learning how to live with less
- 5 rules to get to zero waste
- Refuse what you do not need
- Strategies for minimizing junk mail
- Removing toxic products and replacing them with clean options
- Zero waste, a life based on experiences instead of stuff
- Change is in the consumers hands
- Financial savings increase when consumption goes down
- Swap disposable items for reusable alternatives
- Raising kids zero waste becomes automatic
- How to get kids/teenagers involved in making changes
- Giving gifts that create memories
- Subscription to SFAs = Secret Family Activities
- Bea’s journey to zero waste started in 2006
- Shattering the misconceptions around the zero waste lifestyle
- Bea’s failed zero waste experiments
- Learning to accept what you have
- Zero waste is about recycling less
- The truth about recycling
- Composting your scraps
- Does your garbage really decompose in the landfill?
- Be part of the solution
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Related links:
Bea Johnson – Zero Waste Home (book)
Bea Johnson’s website (Zero Waste Home)
Follow Bea Johnson (Zero Waste Home) on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube
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Junk mail war: still on! (blogpost from Zero Waste Home)
Little House On The Prairie (Apple TV & books)
Rick Smith – Slow Death By Rubber Duck (book)
Michelle Slatalla – A Visit From the Priestess of Waste-Free Living (New York Times article)
Edward Humes – Garbology (book)
Zero Waste Dog – or Rat (blogpost from Zero Waste Home)
Related episodes:
307: Elizabeth Willard Thames aka Mrs. Frugalwoods – Financial Independence Through Simple Living
271: Focus Friday – Managing Waste
268: Sarah Wilson – Zero Waste Cooking • Minimal Consumption • Start Thinking Differently
227: Andy Couturier – The Abundance Of Less • Enjoying The Process • Thinking For Yourself
132: Ryan Nicodemus – The Minimalists • Gift Giving… The Healthy Way • Give Yourself A Pay Raise By Spending Less
Bea Johnson photo credit: Jacqui J. Sze
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[…] 343: Bea Johnson – Zero Waste Home, Experiences Over Stuff, Minimizing Junk Mail 330: Meik Wiking – The Art Of Making Memories 350: Courtney Carver – Simplify Your Life & Closet 268: Sarah Wilson – Zero Waste Cooking • Minimal Consumption • Start Thinking Differently 132: Ryan Nicodemus – The Minimalists • Gift Giving… The Healthy Way • Give Yourself A Pay Raise By Spending Less […]