John Gray is the author of the most well-known and trusted relationship book of all time, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus.
The focus of our interview was on his most recent book, Beyond Mars and Venus, which came out early this year and shares a new relationship model for couples of today. We’ve now moved from role mate to soul mate relationships.
John teaches us how to have a fulfilling partnership and lasting happiness.
In this episode, we discuss:
- John’s parents drove across the country so he could be blessed by Yoganada
- Being Maharishi’s personal assistant for 9 years
- Generating the original ideas for Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus
- John was a celibate monk till about age 28
- Today we expect more from our relationships
- The newness of a relationship will stimulate passion
- What’s changed in 25 years since writing his classic book?
- Today were seeing an epidemic of low testosterone in men and low estrogen in women
- Getting your sex hormones back on track
- Role mate vs soul mate relationship
- Same sex marriages
- Most relationship challenges occur because we have unrealistic expectations of our partner or ourselves
- The art of a man venting his feelings
- Accountability a powerful dopamine and testosterone stimulator
- What is intimacy?
- Cave time for men
- How can couples keep things fresh if they work together all day?
- Tongkat Ali and NADH
- Men and women’s main complaints about each other
- Appreciation boosts a man’s testosterone
- The most powerful estrogen stimulator for women is to be heard
- Lithium orotate can regulate stress in your brain
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Related links:
John Gray – Beyond Mars and Venus (book)
John Gray’s website
Follow John on Facebook and Twitter
John Gray (books)
Mars Venus Health Store
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