Bart Kay (IG: @bart_kay_nutrition) is a former Professor of Health Science with specialism in the physiology of rest and exercise, human nutrition, cardiovascular pathophysiology, and research design / statistics.
These days, he is focused on public education as a social media influencer, while maintaining a level of activity in the personal consultancy sector.
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In this episode, we discuss:
- Money controls human nutrition science
- The diet humans evolved to eat
- Bart’s diet is 80% beef muscle meat
- The best types of meat to choose
- Bart’s opinion on organ meats
- Can you thrive on a 100% beef diet?
- The microbiome needs time to adjust to dietary changes
- You don’t need any fiber at all!
- The truth about bowel movements
- Supplements aren’t required on a carnivore diet
- The vitamin C & scurvy myth
- Heme iron vs non-heme iron explained
- A vegan diet destroys your long-term health
- How much meat Bart eats in a day + when
- Why you shouldn’t be in ketosis 24/7
- Follow your hunger cues on a carnivore diet
- The role of salt & other electrolytes
- The top foods to avoid on an omnivore diet
- Insulin resistance is not the cause of type 2 diabetes
- Bart’s solution to reverse insulin resistance
- The benefits of an 80-100% animal-based diet
- What is the Randle cycle?
- How Bart prepares his steaks ahead of time
- His approach to dining out
- How to naturally boost stem cells
- Stop doing cardio!
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Follow Prof. Bart Kay on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube
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Listen or watch Dr. Paul Saladino previously on TUHP (episodes #400 and #554)
Dr. Paul Saladino – The Carnivore Code (book)
Rick Rodriguez
Maggie – Alberta Rancher
Listen to Dr. Shawn Baker previously on TUHP (episode #379)
Dr. Shawn Baker – The Carnivore Diet (book)
Listen or watch Dr. Anthony Chaffee previously on TUHP (episode #537)
Harry Serpanos
Related episodes:
The Top Foods You Need to Avoid Eating to End Inflammation & Prevent Disease | Dr. Gary Fettke (#575)
How to Reverse Insulin Resistance, End Inflammation & Prevent Disease | Dr. Morgan Nolte (#574)
How to Eliminate Visceral Fat & Reverse Insulin Resistance | Dr. Sean O’Mara (#573)
The Proper Human Diet: What to Eat to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes & Lose Weight | Dr. Ken Berry (#570)
Big Food Exposed: How the Food Industry Lies (We’re Slowly Being Poisoned!) | Calley Means (#569)
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Late to the debate, however………in regards the criticisms of a plant based diet (B12 deficiency notwithstanding) isn’t it common knowledge that food combining DOES provide the full range of amino acids and therefore constitute a complete protein? What you could call a balanced diet no?
As far as the comments on Barts arrogance go, i agree 100%. His recent video attacking Professor Ben Bikman is downright unprofessional. I imagine his lectures to his students to be akin to Tom Cruise’s lecturer in Cocktail. Or is it just his social media alto-ego?
How does this diet work for an athlete? Carbs help you build muscle along with protein and when I am playing my sport, my body can’t turn fat into fuel that efficiently so it’s not practical.
This was easily the most ridiculous podcast I’ve ever listened to. I have no doubt that the carnivore diet works for some people. My objection is the professor’s absolute insistence that plant foods are dangerous for everyone. My personal experience tells a very different story. I’m 76 years old and have been vegetarian (mostly vegan) for 45 years. I have no chronic diseases, have no need for prescription or over the counter drugs and have had no need to see a doctor for over ten years. I have maintained my high school weight of 130 lbs. for all these years. I have no aches and pains and my energy level is as good as it ever was. My wife is 70 years old and her experience has been the same, so if I am an outlier, there appear to be two of us in the same household. I find the professor’s absolutism appalling and counterproductive. Please consider hosting a guest to challenge this man’s views. I would suggest Joel Kahn, Joel Furhman, or Michael Greger just to name a few.
The issue I have with your comment is that you have totally discounted any logic to his argument that humans are Obligate Carnivores.
In the light of the basic understanding of how the human body deals with and breaks down the food into amino acids to be converted to ATP via the Krebs cycle, your argument that a totally plant based diet is illogical. Simple logic can end the plant based diet based on the bodies needs for the essential ( life giving ) amino acids. As plant based is missing the ( essential amino acids ) it is not a diet for long term human nutrition. High carb , plant based diets lower the energy output of the mitochondria which in turn down regulates the energy potential of all the ATP the body can use. Down stream neurological damage to the nerves and brain due to B12 and other B vitamins deficiencies are the consequence. By being all plant based you are relying on inferior B vitamins from plant version as a substitute . That alone precludes a plant based diet as sufficient for human health in the long term.
Your N=1 is not evidence of the plant based diet being better , rather it is your experience on that life style. And again I state that missing the B12 etc is why the plant based diet is NOT a human diet and as such is not biologically sensible
All the best for you.
News flash, Steve: plants contain amino acids. How do you account for the success I have had with a vegan diet? Bart Kay has asserted that the human body can only function on a vegan diet for 3 to 5 years. I am now in my 45th year. According to him I should be dead but instead I am thriving. No drugs, no aches and pains, no doctors! I’m willing to accept that a carnivore diet may work for some people but to claim that a vegan diet will destroy you is absurd. I’m living proof. Incidentally, your spurious attacks on Sonia are unfounded and totally unnecessary.
I have no way to know how well you are performing on a plant based diet. What I did say was the plant based diet is missing the 9 essential amino acids of which plants are unable to provide. Nothing in my comment is factually incorrect. A plant based diet cannot , will not, ever provide the complete 9 essential amino acids that can only be obtained from animal sources be that beef , lamb etc. A plant based diet does not have B12. That vitamin is critical in nerve function and brain health along with many other functions. Low B12 can lead to brain neurological issues over time. There is the other B vitamins and Vitamin A , folate and many more.
The basic tenant of your argument is you are healthy. Ok .That still does not absolve you from arguing a diet remiss of many critical nutrients is better of which has to dosed with added supplements to make it fit for human consumption.
You triggered me to respond to your comments on your dismissive unscientific critique of Bart’s podcast. Where is your expertise on the veracity or lack thereof , Professor Bart Kays comments.
As for Sonia, like my response to you, is the same – making unfounded claims to the evidence. Should she feel the need to refute my argument , then she is most welcome.
You continue to avoid answering my question. You and the incredibly arrogant Bart Kay can’t explain how I and many others thrive on a plant based diet. As I said to Kay, if you had a modicum of scientific curiosity you would want to know how that is possible. Instead you make unwarranted assumptions about my knowledge and education, something about which you can have absolutely no knowledge.
On further reflection, I now suspect that you ARE Bart Kay replying under a false name. You certainly have his arrogance and unflinching close-mindedness. Given that, I’m done with you.
You are not correct with your last comment. I am not Bart Kay.
My email is different so that is easily cleared up. Administrator of the site will know that.
I an not interested in how you thrive on a plant based diet , just as you are not interested on the way I live my life.
My issue is the false logic that the plant based diet is superior to animal derived food.
But you are right on one thing, there is no point continuing this discussion, but, I do wish you well and harbor no ill will
So I will leave it there .
One last point. Show me where I said a plant based diet is superior. I have not done so. I have only objected to Kay’s ridiculous statement that a human cannot stay on such a diet without disastrous consequences. I can personally attest to the fact that that is not true. If you were honest in your responses you would acknowledge that. Incidentally, it is not hard to acquire an email address under an alternate name.
100% agree!! I was aghast to the unfounded claims this man made! This was a shameful podcast that allowed unfounded “expert advice” without questioning his sources. Where were the peer- reviewed studies to back up these health claims??
Hi Sonia
I take assume that your reply to my post is a negative to Bart and my comment.
If that being the case, I trust you have evidence or studies to refute Bart’s podcast.
If you are disputing my argument of the plant based diet lacking many of the essential amino acids of which can only be derived from animals then you will have to show how the plant based diet is complete in all fields of quality and that there is no need to use man made supplements to fortify a plant based diet.
To make a pointless comment as unfounded ” expert advice ” further belies the poor understanding of how limited your understanding of the podcast is.
Just attacking the man ( Bart) is ignorant and belies your basic understanding of research.
Attack him on the facts – but to dismiss his position is disrespectful and further goes to show your limited education and grasp of the scientific method.
Should you disagree with the position and my examples I give , please prove me wrong.