Dr. Shawn Baker (IG: @shawnbaker1967) is an orthopedic surgeon, a world record holding athlete, a father and a proponent of the carnivore diet.
He’s the CEO at MeatRx and author of The Carnivore Diet.
Shawn is an international speaker, podcast host and consultant.
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In this episode, we discuss:
- The carnivore diet
- The evolution of Shawn’s diet over the years
- The carnivore diet isn’t reverse veganism
- Living on leaves and lean protein doesn’t work for everyone
- Shawn eats 4500 calories/day
- Following a time-restricted eating (TRE) schedule
- Increasing daily protein intake improves strength
- Elite & endurance athletes find success on the carnivore diet
- Breaking down Shawn’s lab results
- Ground beef from grass-fed and grain-fed cattle
- Degenerative monoculture vs. regenerative farming
- Regenerative agriculture can offset carbon emissions
- Who’s controlling our food supply?
- Plant-based/vegan diets do more harm to the environment than people realize
- The history of all meat diets
- There is no evidence that shows you’ll die of a heart attack from eating a carnivore diet
- Is a carnivore diet what our ancestors ate?
- The hybridization of food over the years
- The anatomy and physiology of a carnivore
- How Shawn’s digestion changed on a carnivore diet
- Animals are tremendous sources of nutrient intensification
- Can you get adequate vitamin C on a meat-based diet?
- Is salt a supplement?
- The facts about gout & the carnivore diet
- How to properly transition to the carnivore diet
- Craving meat-based nutrition
- A sustainable diet is one where you enjoy the food
- How Shawn cooks the meat he eats
- Experimenting with raw meat
- Are there any health benefits from eating nose to tail/organ meats?
- Is there any evidence that our ancestors consumed organ meats?
- Subsistence eating vs. surplus eating
- Shawn’s thoughts about hunting
- Is iron overload a concern on a carnivore diet?
- Do your own research
Show sponsors:
Organifi <== 20% off all Organifi products
Sunwarrior <== 20% off all Sunwarrior products (free shipping on orders over $50)
Beekeeper’s Naturals <== 15% off all Beekeeper’s Naturals products (free shipping on orders $60 or more)
Perfect Keto <== 20% off all Perfect Keto products (free shipping in the US)
Related links:
Dr. Shawn Baker – The Carnivore Diet (book)
Dr. Shawn Baker’s website
Follow Dr. Shawn Baker on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
Human Perormance Outliers Podcast
Danny Sorenson
Pete Jacobs
Zach Bitter
Kelly Hogan
Stephen B. Smith, Ph.D. – Ground beef from grass-fed and grain-fed cattle: Does it matter? (article)
Food Climate Research Network – Grazed & Confused (article)
Dr. Allen Williams, Ph.D. – Joyce Farms
White Oaks Pastures
Alderspring Ranch Grass Fed Beef
Polyface Farms
Joe Rogan Experience #1050 – Dr. Shawn Baker
Related episodes:
364: Robb Wolf – Well Raised Meat Is Good For You And The Planet
372: Ryland Engelhart – Kiss The Ground, The Story Of Cafe Gratitude, Regenerative Agriculture
371: Autumn Smith – Healing From IBS & Anxiety, Supporting Regenerative Agriculture, Organ Meats To Support Mental Health
370: John & Molly Chester – The Biggest Little Farm
249: Dr. Anthony Gustin – The Carnivore Diet • Setting & Tracking Goals • Breaking Down Keto
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It seems recently there have been more and more episodes directed at meat and meat based diets. This seems pretty opposite to what other guests have said, and from continuing research that indicates how poor diets centered around animal meat can be. While previously I love how diverse your episodes were, they seem to be trending a direction that is focused on trends vs emprical research.
There is precisely no research proving meat diets are “Poor”. What is an absolute fact is that humans are specifically designed to eat the biggest fattiest red-meated animals of the land. Over 160 species of Mega-Fauna were what we made those massive spear tips for. Everything about our anatomy & physiology supports this. Before you assume you know different and respond incorrectly, I suggest you google, “Why (insert your claim here) is wrong.” Because every single “point” made by anti-meat advocates has been thoroughly destroyed.