Today’s show features Dr. Joel Kahn, The Holistic Heart Doc. He is a cardiologist on a mission to get people eating more plants. As the author of The Whole Heart Solution, Joel is well versed in the numerous health benefits of consuming a plant-based diet. As an MD with a holistic focus, Joel is a pioneer, setting the stage for other doctors to follow.
In this episode, we discuss:
- How Joel became America’s Holistic Heart Doc
- Heart disease is preventable & reversible with a healthy lifestyle – A plant-based diet is a huge part of this
- Hospitals are generally feeding patients junk food
- Meat promotes diabetes and inflammation
- Slow and steady wins the race when it comes to eating more plants
- Is a vegan diet ideal for all stages of life?
- Are healthy fats living up to all the hype?
- Can plants provide us with all of our essential fatty acids (AFA, EPA & DHA)
- More flax and soy = more health, more longevity, less prostate cancer, breast cancer and heart disease
- Should sea salt be considered a health food?
- Are grass fed, pasture raised meats actually good for you?
- Gluten… should we embrace whole grains?
- Coconut oil has no role in a healthy diet
- 6 steps to decrease your heart attack risk by 90%
- Some supplements you should consider
- Joel’s morning routine and what he does to ensure a solid sleep
- Blocking blue light at night will increase melatonin production
Related Links:
Dr. Joel Kahn – The Whole Heart Solution (book)
Dr. Joel Kahn’s website
Follow Dr. Joel Kahn on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
GreenSpace Cafe
John Robbins – Diet For A New America (book)
Dr. Dean Ornish
Dr. Dean Ornish (books)
Forks Over Knives (documentary)*
Dr. Scott Stoll
The Plantrician Project
Dr. Kim A. Williams (The New York Times)
Dr. Michael Greger – The Saturated Fat Studies: Buttering Up the Public (YouTube)
Kris Carr
Ann Wigmore
Dr. Brian Clement
Mark Bittman
The Forks Over Knives Plan (book) United States/Canada
Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine (PCRM)
Marni Wasserman – Plant-Based Diet For Dummies (book)
One Green Planet
Ancel Keys
Dr. John McDougall
Dr. John McDougall (books)
The DASH Diet Eating Plan
Dash Diet (books)
Sugar, Gluten, Paleo, Vegan: 3 Doctors Debate The Best Way To Eat
Alessio Fasano
Dr. William Davis – Wheat Belly (book)
Dr. David Perlmutter – Grain Brain (book)
PlantPositive (website)
f.lux (free software)
Rich Roll
Related Shows:
096: Dr. Joel Kahn – The Gut-Heart Connection • Paleo vs. Low-Fat Vegan Diet • Top Heart Health Foods
068: Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. – Prevent And Reverse Heart Disease (minicast)
153: Dr. William Davis – Gluten Free Isn’t Enough • Undoctored • The Importance Of A High Potency, Multi-Species Probiotic
166: Nina Teicholz – Stop Fearing Saturated Fat • What’s The Deal With Cholesterol? • The Coconut Oil Controversy
148: Dr. Joseph Mercola – DHA, The Most Important Fat • Sensible Sun Exposure • Blue Light Blockers Are A Must
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