If you enjoy hearing all about nutrition with Dr. Gary Fettke, I recommend you check out our previous conversation, which you can find here 👉 https://youtu.be/kYZ7VxPJwlY Dr. Gary Fettke is a Tasmanian Orthopedic Surgeon and vocal proponent of nutrition being a major component of prevention and management of modern disease. He continues to defend the right to free speech and the right to question traditional beliefs for the benefit of the community. Subscribe to The Ultimate Health Podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@JesseChappus (And be sure to hit the 🔔 to get notified when new videos are released!) In this episode, we discuss: 00:00 - Intro 01:02 - The dietary guidelines are a failure 14:55 - How glucose is damaging your body 30:03 - Fructose creates small dense LDL particles 41:19 - How long do seed oils stay in your body? 50:04 - The surprising truth about the Mediterranean diet & olive oil 1:04:08 - We're being lied to about what to eat 1:19:14 - Are we overdosing on omega-3s? Show notes: https://ultimatehealthpodcast.com/638 Listen & subscribe to The Ultimate Health Podcast ✩ Apple Podcasts: https://bit.ly/tuhpapple ✩ Spotify: https://bit.ly/tuhpspotify Connect with The Ultimate Health Podcast ✩ Website: https://ultimatehealthpodcast.com ✩ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ultimatehea... #drgaryfettke #jessechappus #nutrition About the Podcast Jesse Chappus has in-depth conversations with health and wellness leaders from around the world. Topics include lifestyle, nutrition, fitness, self-help, sleep, meditation, spirituality and so much more. Tune in weekly to take your health to the next level!