On today’s show, we are speaking with Jordan Harbinger, the co-founder of The Art of Charm. His podcast teaches you the skills you need to be successful in your personal life and in business. The show is directed at men but women can apply a lot of this knowledge too. The Art of Charm also… Listen Now »
020: Vani Hari aka Food Babe – “Natural” Means Nothing, Yoga Mat Sandwiches, Scary Meat Alternatives
On today’s show, we are speaking with real food advocate, Vani Hari (Food Babe). She is on a mission to keep our food products free of artificial dyes, flavourings and sweeteners. Vani is also anti GMOs, antibiotics in meats, chemicals, food additives and preservatives. Her activism has lead to big changes in the food industry,… Listen Now »
019: Ricki Heller – Managing Candida Overgrowth, Safe Sweeteners, Self Testing At Home
On today’s show, we are speaking with Ricki Heller, a natural health expert who promotes a plant-based diet. She has a strong focus on candida and just released a new book titled Living Candida-Free. During the interview she really distills down her vast knowledge on candida and explains how to keep your level in check.… Listen Now »
018: Dr. Joel Kahn – Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease With Plants, Stop Fearing Flax & Soy, Whole Grains Are Healthy
Today’s show features Dr. Joel Kahn, The Holistic Heart Doc. He is a cardiologist on a mission to get people eating more plants. As the author of The Whole Heart Solution, Joel is well versed in the numerous health benefits of consuming a plant-based diet. As an MD with a holistic focus, Joel is a… Listen Now »
017: Sugar Addiction, Say Goodbye To Aspartame, Balance Your Blood Sugar
On today’s episode, we tackle the subject of sugar. Yes, the highly addictive, white powder that causes havoc in your body. We discuss the numerous detrimental effects sugar has on your health. On the bright side, we give a number of healthy kitchen swap outs and list the healthy sweeteners you can use in place… Listen Now »
016: Steve Sanna – Dry Fast Your Way To Health, The Power Of Fermented Foods, Blocking Harmful EMFs
On today’s show, we are speaking with the owner of Sanna’s Farmacia, Steve Sanna. He has a wealth of knowledge in the realm of natural health especially when it comes to dry fasting, fermented foods and superherbs. Sanna’s Farmacia is the place to be in Toronto for next level liquid nutrition! In this episode, we… Listen Now »
015: Tero Isokauppila – Balance Your Hormones And Immune System With Superfood Mushrooms
Today we are speaking with the president of Four Sigma Foods, Tero Isokauppila. He is a natural health expert with a passion for shrooms and medicinal herbs. Would you like to sleep better, maintain natural energy, have superhuman immunity and laser focus? Tero will show you why superfood mushrooms are the answer! In this episode,… Listen Now »